Welcome to Binkley Apples, located in the heart of the Southern Georgian Bay Apple Growing District. Ours is the most northerly apple-producing area in Ontario, located on the 44th Parallel. The cultivation potential of our location has been recognized since the early 19th Century. There are approximately 4,000 acres of apple orchard here—over 30% of Ontario's total commercial acreage! What makes our region so special is the protective lake effect that occurs between the Niagara Escarpment and the deep cool waters of Georgian Bay. The fertile strip between Escarpment and our section of Lake Huron is blessed with a microclimate that makes our area from Collingwood to Meaford, Ontario ideal for growing apples. The annual yield is comprised of many varieties including Honeycrisp, Red Prince, Ambrosia, Gala, McIntosh, and Cortland. See our varieties page for a complete list. 

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